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Abhishek Iyer


As head of marketing at Descope, Abhishek is responsible for putting words and pictures in some order that makes sense to the outside world. Sometimes Abhishek’s eyes hurt when he looks at computer screens for too long, so he goes for regular walks. In his spare time, Abhishek enjoys breathing and drinking water. But if he breathes incorrectly while drinking, water can go down the wrong pipe. He wouldn't recommend that.

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Is CIAM or IAM Right for Your Business?

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Lessons From Passwords in Pop Culture

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Coarse-Grained vs Fine-Grained Authorization: Which to Use?

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RBAC vs ReBAC: Which Is Right for You?

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RBAC vs. ABAC: What’s the Difference?

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2023 FIDO Report Findings: People Prefer Passwordless

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