nOTP authentication

Add single-click WhatsApp authentication to your app

Authenticate users without them needing to enter a code (or type anything at all). Provide delightful login experiences, speed up onboarding, and drastically reduce SMS costs with nOTP.

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nOTP in a nutshell

Click button / scan QR code. Send prepopulated message. That's it.

Challenges with OTP authentication

Revenue 139 x 139


Whether businesses maintain their own messaging infra or use a third-party, OTP costs quickly add up and are not scalable.

Session Hijacking 139 x 139

Security gaps

While safer than passwords, SMS authentication is prone to phishing, MITM, and OTP fatigue attacks.

Risk 139 x 139


OTPs depend on phone connectivity, making them unsuitable for international travel and prone to droppages.

Broken auth 139 x 139

User fatigue

Users are growing tired of endless OTPs, weakening their perception and making users more prone to social engineering.

How WhatsApp authentication helps your app

Identity 225 x 225 faded

Accurate identity

Get the phone number tied to your users’ WhatsApp account for a trusted and verifiable identity.

UX 225 x 225

Seamless UX

Place zero cognitive load on your users. No typing in phone numbers or copy-pasting codes.

Success Faded 225 x 225

Lower business costs

Leverage free user-initiated WhatsApp messages to reduce SMS-related expenses.

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nOTP resources

Introducing nOTP


A Primer on nOTP

Learn more >
nOTP docs


nOTP Documentation

Read more >
nOTP demo site

Demo Experience

nOTP Demo Site

See for yourself >
nOTP demo video


nOTP Demo Video

Watch demo >
What is a one-time password (OTP)?


OTP Authentication Explained

Learn more >
Bot attacks LC thumbnail


What Is MFA Prompt Bombing?

Learn more >

Explore other authentication methods

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Ready for liftoff?

Curious how nOTP can enhance your customer experience? Book a demo and let's chat!