Google One Tap authentication provider
Easily add Google One Tap authentication to your app with Descope SDKs. Collect custom user data after authentication with drag & drop user journey workflows.

From scratch to One Tap in 10 minutes
See how Descope makes integrating One Tap into your app a breeze.

How One Tap helps your app
Allow users to log in with one tap (it’s in the name) without needing to create new credentials. Let users choose between all their Google accounts.
Hand off identity management security to trusted IdPs (Google and Descope). De-risk your org from credential management and storage.
Reach a wide range of users with an auth method that works seamlessly on web and mobile, and is compatible with all major browsers.
More One Tap resources
Auth is just the beginning
Descope Flows continues the user journey after auth and unlocks several use cases.
Phone verification
Collect an extra user login identifier to be used when MFA is needed or the account has to be recovered.
Progressive profiling
Prompt users for additional details relevant to their experience on your app (e.g. birthday, job role, company name and email, etc.).
Identity orchestration
Sync accurate user identity information across your various business tools (e.g. CRM, CDP, Analytics, Support).
Ready for liftoff?
If you’ve seen all you need to see, sign up and get started with Descope. If you'd like a demo, meet with our auth experts.