Biometrics / WebAuthn

Drag-and-drop biometric authentication for your app

Easily replace passwords with no-code biometric authentication flows for your customer-facing apps. Using WebAuthn and FIDO2, Descope’s biometric authentication solution is interoperable, unphishable, and supported on over 90% of global user devices.

How biometric authentication helps your app

Low friction login

Low-friction login

Elevate your app’s user experience by logging users in with their facial ID or fingerprints.


Phishing impossible

FIDO key pairs only work with the intended application, nipping any credential phishing attempts in the bud.


Private by default

Users’ biometrics never leave their device and they cannot be tracked across sites.

Implement biometric auth your way

Drag-and-drop biometric authentication

Use our no-code editor to create user-facing screens and biometric authentication flows for your app. Easily modify and update your flows from the Descope console as your user journey evolves.

Biometrics Flow

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More biometric authentication resources

Fingerprint auth article thumbnail


What Is Biometric Authentication?

Learn more >
FIDO report blog thumbnail


2023 FIDO Report Findings: People Prefer Passwordless

Learn more >
Developer guide passkeys thumbnail


The Developer's Guide to Passkey Authentication

Read tutorial >
Virtual WebAuthn blog thumbnail

Developer Tool

Virtual WebAuthn: Go Tool to Test WebAuthn Flows

Learn more >
Biometric auth benefits blog thumbnail


3 Benefits of Biometric Authentication

Read blog >
Fingerprint auth article thumbnail


Biometric Fingerprint Authentication Explained

Learn more >

Explore other authentication methods

Frequently asked questions

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Ready for liftoff?

If you’ve seen all you need to see, sign up and get started with Descope. If you'd like a demo, meet with our auth experts.